Friday, 25 April 2014

American Idol 2014 – Top 5 contestants Revealed

042514 0808 AmericanIdo1 American Idol 2014   Top 5 contestants Revealed
Five singing hopefuls are closer to be the next “American Idol” while one contestant had to stop his dream to be the winner of season 13. On Thursday night, April 24, the show cut anotherfinalist to reveal the Top 5.

Caleb Johnson and Jena Irene, who delivered strong performances on Wednesday, got support from former “Idol” champion Carrie Underwood. “So impressed tonight by both @CalebPJohnson & @JenaAsciutto1 You made my songs sound so good! You should be proud…I know I am!” she tweeted after the two covered her songs.

Caleb and Jena as well as Sam Woolf and Alex Preston were deemed safe, leaving C.J. Harris and Jessica Meuse in the Bottom Two. In-house mentor Randy Jackson said in his review of last night’s performances, “C.J. had some struggles last night. The first song was good, ‘American Woman’. The second (Zac Brown Band’s ‘Whatever It Is’) was not so good.” As for Jena, Randy said she had “a solid night” but he’s not sure “if the performances gave the judges everything they needed to hear.”

Americans, however, thought Jena was good enough and saved her for another week. This meant C.J. got sent packing. Asked by host Ryan Seacrest what he would change if he could do Wednesday over, the 23-year-old singer from Alabama said, “I probably would have picked a better song choice.” 
Get going, just a single click here and you can watch American Idol episodes online.

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