Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Bones Season 10 spoilers: About Booth and Brennan

The Bones Season 9 finale ended in a cliffhanger that puts Booth and Brennan on a very different path as they go into Season 10. What can fans expect when the show returns in the fall? Keep reading for a few spoilers already out there.
052114 0525 BonesSeason1 Bones Season 10 spoilers: About Booth and Brennan
Executive producers Stephen Nathan and Jonathan Collier dropped plenty of hints in interviews published on and ScreenFad, respectively. Check out the highlights below: 
  • “Bones” Season 10 will most likely pick up about three months after the events of the Season 9 finale.
  • At that point, Booth will still be in jail on capital murder charges. “He’ll be waiting trial for the murder of those FBI agents,” Nathan says.
  • One member of the Jeffersonian staff will find a silver lining in all of this: Hodgins now has proof that his conspiracy-theory leanings aren’t as crazy as everyone thought.
  • Not only will Booth have to deal with the legal implications of his actions in the finale, but also the psychological ones. “Booth will be in a terribly difficult situation and he has to face tremendous legal and career problems,” says Collier. “He also has to deal with the burden of being vilified by the FBI — an organization which he’s served with honor and integrity for years … He’s always had enormous faith in our government and our system. All that will be challenged.”
  • Despite the arrests in the Season 9 finale, it could actually be a victory of sorts. “The person who is orchestrating all of this, the person behind the conspiracy, is used to doing their work unimpeded,” Nathan explains. “Booth did not let that happen …Booth did not die.”
  • The vast conspiracies may continue throughout Season 10. As to who is behind it, “Everyone should be worthy of suspicion,” Nathan says.
  • One thing that everyone at “Bones” assures fans will be true: Booth and Brennan are together for the long haul. Whatever stresses they experience, they’ll do so together.
  • The rest of the Jeffersonian will stick with the couple as well — but not all in the same way. It will affect them too, making the work “family” less comfortable as events unfold.

“Bones” Season 10 will air Thursdays this fall on FOX. 

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